A recent study demonstrated that a tidal strait, where a shoaled and constricted waterway increases tidally driven sub-ice currents and turbulence, represent ice algal production hotspots due to a hypothesized enhanced ocean-ice nutrient supply. Based on these findings, we sampled the bottom-ice algal community across the same tidal strait between the Finlayson Islands within Dease Strait, Nunavut, Canada in spring 2017. Our objective was to examine sea ice diatom cellular responses to two expected nutrient supply gradients in their natural environment: (1) a spatial gradient across the tidal strait and (2) a vertical gradient up into the bottom-ice matrix. Two diatom taxa, Nitzschia frigida and Attheya spp. within the bottom-ice sections (0-2, 2-5, and 5-10 cm) under thin snow cover (<5 cm) were selected for Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrochemical analysis for lipid and protein content. Results from the FTIR technique strongly supported the existence of a spatial nutrient gradient across the tidal strait of the Finlayson Islands, while particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration estimates were difficult to interpret. Spatially, the larger N. frigida cells appeared to be more sensitive to the nutrient gradient, significantly increasing (decreasing) in lipid (protein) content towards the outside of the tidal strait. In contrast, the epiphytic diatom, Attheya spp., was more sensitive to the vertical gradient, where above 2 cm into the bottom-ice matrix, the non-motile cells were trapped with a depleted nutrient inventory and evidence of a post-bloom state. Application of the FTIR technique to estimate algal cell biomolecular composition provided new insights on the response of the bottom-ice algal community to the examined nutrient supply gradients that could not be attained from conventional bulk measurements alone. Therefore, future studies are encouraged to employ the use of this technique.

Dataset consists of multiple tabs:

  1. Metadata

  2. Nitzschia frigida data

  3. Attheya spp. data

  4. Ice Algae Community

  5. Diatom Population

  6. FTIR Target Cells

  7. Nutrients

  8. POC & Chl a

  9. PAR

  10. Snow & Ice measurements

Données et ressources

Raw data





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Champ Valeur
Dataset Name FTIR Autecological Analysis of Bottom-Ice Diatom Taxa
Dataset General Type Algal Analysis
Dataset Type Jeu de données
Dataset Level 0-Raw data
Program Website https://asp-net.org/content/cambridge-bay-campaign-2017
Keyword Vocabulary Polar Data Catalogue
Keyword Vocabulary URL https://www.polardata.ca/pdcinput/public/keywordlibrary
Theme Cryosphere
Dataset Status Terminé
Maintenance and Update Frequency Not planned
Dataset Last Revision Date 2020-02-02
Dataset DOI 10.5203/vvtz-x259
Metadata Creation Date 2022
Publisher CanWIN
Champ Valeur
Dataset Collection Start Date 2017-04-28
Dataset Collection End Date 2017-05-12
Spatial regions
Spatial extent West Bound Longitude
Spatial extent East Bound Longitude
Spatial extent South Bound Latitude
Spatial extent North Bound Latitude
Champ Valeur
Sample Collection
Sample Collection 1
Sampling Instrument Name
Standardized Sampling Instrument Name
Sample Collection Method Name
Ice core filtration
Method Link
Method Summary
Activity Collection Type
Preferred citation
Analytical Instrument
Analytical Instrument 1
Analytical Instrument Name
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (Agilent)
Standardized Analytical Instrument Name
Analytical Instrument Identifier Id
Analytical Instrument Identifier Type
Analytical Instrument 2
Analytical Instrument Name
Elemental Analyzer (Elementar Vario Micro Cube)
Standardized Analytical Instrument Name
Analytical Instrument Identifier Id
Analytical Instrument Identifier Type
Analytical Instrument 3
Analytical Instrument Name
Fluorometer (Turner Designs Trilogy)
Standardized Analytical Instrument Name
Analytical Instrument Identifier Id
Analytical Instrument Identifier Type
Analytical Method
Champ Valeur
License Name Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Licence Type Open
Embargo Date
Licence URL https://spdx.org/licenses
Terms of Access

CanWIN datasets are licensed individually, however most are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Public License. Details for the licence applied can be found using the Licence URL link provided with each dataset. By using data and information provided on this site you accept the terms and conditions of the License. Unless otherwise specified, the license grants the rights to the public to use and share the data and results derived therefrom as long as the proper acknowledgment is given to the data licensor (citation), that any alteration to the data is clearly indicated, and that a link to the original data and the license is made available.

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Champ Valeur
Dataset Authors
Dataset Authors 1
Pogorzelec, Nicole
Type of Name
Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
Contributors 1
Campbell, Karley
Data Collector
Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
Project Data Curator Mundy, C. J.
Project Data Curator email cj.mundy@umanitoba.ca
Project Data Curator Affiliation Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
Champ Valeur
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