Creating an Account

Creating a profile in the CanWIN DataHub allows you to personalize your experience and get updates about datasets you're interested in following.

Login or Register

To subscribe to a dataset, click Login from the top right menu.

1. You will have the option to log in or register with a non-UM username and password, or sign in using your UM account credentials.


2. If you have already created an account through the Register option, you can log in with the credentials you created. Otherwise, click Register.


NOTE: To create a strong password, you will need to include upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. 

3. If you currently hold a UM account (i.e., or you can select Sign in with UM account.

Managing your news feed

1. At the top of any page, select the dashboard symbol next to your name, as shown in the image below.



2. Your News feed will be displayed, which shows changes to datasets that you follow, or new datasets added to organizations that you follow.



3. On the News feed page, you can search and filter activity from your subscriptions using the menu on the right-hand side of your News feed.



4. If you are not looking at your News feed page when a notification comes through, you will have a notification in the dashboard icon at the top right-hand corner. The number beside the dashboard symbol shows the number of notifications in your News feed since you last looked at it. In the image below, there is one new notification.



5. If you want to stop following a dataset or facility, go to the page or select the link to it in your News feed and select the Unfollow button.


Managing your user profile

You can change the information that CanWIN saves about you, including what other users can view, by editing your user profile. Users are most likely to see your profile when you edit a dataset or upload data to an organization that they are following.

To do this, select the gearwheel symbol at the top of any page, as shown below.

On the user settings page, you can change:

  • Your username
  • Your full name
  • Your e-mail address
    • Private information not displayed to other users
  • Your profile text
    • An optional short paragraph about yourself
  • Your password

Make the changes you require, and then select the Update Profile button.


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