project image

Freshwater-marine coupling affects all aspects of the physical, biological and biogeochemical systems within Hudson Bay. The past century has seen significant hydroelectric development on rivers flowing into Hudson Bay, with more than 21,000 MW of annual production on the Nelson and La Grande river systems. Manitoba Hydro’s operations are closely linked to conditions in Hudson Bay through the regulation of outflows from Lake Winnipeg Regulation and the Lower Nelson River generating stations, as well as through the diversion of water from the Churchill River Diversion, which affect the timing, volume, and location of freshwater outflow into Hudson Bay.

Freshwater entering Hudson Bay is susceptible to modification, both in terms of water quality and quantity, through exchange processes in the watershed, and through climate forcing of the hydrological cycle both in space and time. A unique aspect of this system is the role that freshwater plays on both sea ice thermodynamic and dynamic processes within Hudson Bay. This freshwater-marine coupling affects all aspects of the Hudson Bay physical, biological and biogeochemical systems.

BaySys is led by Principal Investigators Dr. David Barber at the University of Manitoba and Kevin Sydor at Manitoba Hydro. The project is managed and coordinated by Lauren Candlish and Dr. David Landry at the University of Manitoba in collaboration with Kevin Sydor and Karen Wong at Manitoba Hydro.

Data and Resources




  • Carbon cycling Project

    Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine

    The carbon cycling team focused on the role of freshwater in moderating the carbon system of Hudson Bay. This ultimately led to increasing our understanding of carbon cycling... Read more
  • Contaminants Project

    Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine

    Mercury is one of the primary contaminants of concern associated with hydroelectric regulation due to enhanced mercury methylation in flooded reservoirs and wetlands. The... Read more
  • Freshwater Project

    Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine

    To understand the relative impact of regulation and climate change to the HBC, the freshwater team investigated the role of freshwater timing and magnitude on contemporary and... Read more
  • Lisa Matthes - PhD Project Project

    Themes: Marine

    This project includes all datasets that were collected within the PhD project by Lisa Matthes. Datasets were collected as part of two large system studies: a) Green Edge project... Read more
  • Marine ecosystems Project

    Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine

    The marine ecosystem team had two objectives: First, to assess how different drivers collectively affect biological productivity. Second, the team studied the diversity and... Read more
  • Marine/climate systems Project

    Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine

    The marine/climate systems team worked to understand how changes in climate variability and hydroelectric regulation affected processes related to light, heat and momentum... Read more
  • Ocean modelling Project

    Themes: Freshwater, Marine

    Ocean modelling became its own team in the second year of the project to ensure the large-scale ocean modelling component could be completed and integrated into the rest of the... Read more

Related Collections and Datasets



Related Publications


Field Value
Title Hudson Bay System Study (BaySys)
Research Program Name
Keyword Vocabulary Polar Data Catalogue
Keyword Vocabulary URL
Theme Cryosphere
Remote Sensing
Status Complete
Project DOI 10.5203/x6hd-2n79
Metadata Creation Date 2022
Publisher CanWIN
Related Facilities
Field Value
Project extent
Project Area Hudson Bay Complex
Spatial regions Hudson Bay
Spatial extent West Bound Longitude
Spatial extent East Bound Longitude
Spatial extent South Bound Latitude
Spatial extent North Bound Latitude
Temporal extent
Project Start Date 2016-09-26
Project End Date
Field Value
Project Contributors
Principal Investigators
Principal Investigators 1
Principal Investigator Name
Barber, David
Type of Name
Principal Investigator Email
Principal Investigator Affiliation
Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
Principal Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 1
Co-Investigator Name
Ali, Geneviève
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 2
Co-Investigator Name
Kuzyk, Zou Zou
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 3
Co-Investigator Name
Lobb, David
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 4
Co-Investigator Name
Lovejoy, Connie
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 5
Co-Investigator Name
Maps, Frédéric
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 6
Co-Investigator Name
Mundy, Christopher
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 7
Co-Investigator Name
Myers, Paul
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 8
Co-Investigator Name
Owens, Philip
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 9
Co-Investigator Name
Papakyriakou, Timothy
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 10
Co-Investigator Name
Petticrew, Ellen
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 11
Co-Investigator Name
Stadnyk, Tricia
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 12
Co-Investigator Name
Archambault, Philippe
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 13
Co-Investigator Name
Stern, Gary
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 14
Co-Investigator Name
Tremblay, Jean-Éric
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 15
Co-Investigator Name
Wang, Feiyue
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 16
Co-Investigator Name
Bélanger, Simon
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 17
Co-Investigator Name
Dery, Stephen
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 18
Co-Investigator Name
Dmitrenko, Igor
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 19
Co-Investigator Name
Ehn, Jens
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 20
Co-Investigator Name
Else, Brent
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 21
Co-Investigator Name
Fortier, Louis
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Co-Investigators 22
Co-Investigator Name
Guéguen, Céline
Co-Investigator Role
Co-Investigator Email
Co-Investigator Affiliation
Co-Investigator ORCID ID
Project Data Curator David Landry
Project Data Curator email
Project Data Curator Affiliation Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
Funder Information
Awards 1
Award Title
BaySys - Contributions of climate change and hydro-electric regulation to the variability and change of freshwater-marine coupling in the Hudson Bay system
Award URL
Funder Name
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Funder Identifier
Funder Identifier Type
Funder identifier URL
Grant Number
Field Value
License Name Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Licence Schema Name SPDX
Licence URL
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