Sea ice cover progression in Hudson Bay 2008-2018 Dataset
Themes: Marine
The dataset lists the first day of surface air temperatures above zero degC, the sea ice break-up date (ice concentration falling below 15%), the sea ice freeze-up date (ice... Read more -
Lisa Matthes - PhD Project Project
Themes: Marine
This project includes all datasets that were collected within the PhD project by Lisa Matthes. Datasets were collected as part of two large system studies: a) Green Edge project... Read more -
Marine ecosystems Project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The marine ecosystem team had two objectives: First, to assess how different drivers collectively affect biological productivity. Second, the team studied the diversity and... Read more -
IPY-CFL Ice Beacon Data Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
Ice beacons are used to monitor sea ice motion, which is an important element in mass balance calculations, ice thermodynamic modeling, ice management and ecosystem studies.... Read more -
Hudson Bay System Study (BaySys) Project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing
Freshwater-marine coupling affects all aspects of the physical, biological and biogeochemical systems within Hudson Bay. The past century has seen significant hydroelectric... Read more -
The International Polar Year (IPY) circumpolar flaw lead (CFL) system study Project
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
The CFL project consisted of ten sub-project teams: Physical oceanography; Sea ice; Light, nutrients, and primary production; Food webs; Marine mammals and birds; Gas fluxes;... Read more -
BaySys Ice Beacon Data- Churchill River (2017) and Hudson Bay (2018) Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
A series of focused field programs took place within Hudson Bay during 2017 to provide a time series of winter and summer observations from the Bay. The first of these field... Read more -
Contaminants Project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
Mercury is one of the primary contaminants of concern associated with hydroelectric regulation due to enhanced mercury methylation in flooded reservoirs and wetlands. The... Read more -
Freshwater Project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
To understand the relative impact of regulation and climate change to the HBC, the freshwater team investigated the role of freshwater timing and magnitude on contemporary and... Read more -
Marine/climate systems Project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The marine/climate systems team worked to understand how changes in climate variability and hydroelectric regulation affected processes related to light, heat and momentum... Read more -
BaySys Remote Sensing Data Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
This data set encompasses all of the remote sensing data collected in relation to sea ice during the BaySys 2018 expedition (radiometric and UAV data). -
Sea-ice edge phytoplankton bloom Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
Satellite-derived sea-ice retreat timing (tR) and maximum chlorophyll-a concentration in the ice edge zone between 1998 and 2018. Sea ice concentration (SIC) was obtained from... Read more -
BaySys Physical Ice Sampling Data - 2017-2018 Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
Physical ice sampling data collected during the BaySys 2017 Churchill River and Mobile Ice Survey, the 2017 Nelson Estuary Landfast Ice Survey and the 2018 Hudson Bay Amundsen... Read more -
BaySys Quarterly Reports Publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
Collection of BaySys Team Quarterly Reports from 2017 to 2020. -
Baysys Field Reports Publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
Field reports for the BaySys project over the years 2016 to 2018. BaySys is a multi-year collaboration among industry partner Manitoba Hydro (Hydro Québec and Ouranos) and the... Read more -
BaySys Newsletters Publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The BaySys project newsletter was developed to highlight accomplishments and update everyone in and out of the project of the status and progress of BaySys. The newsletter also... Read more -
BaySys Conference Posters & Presentations Publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
A collection of BaySys project conference posters and presentations. These posters and presentations we delivered at national and international conferences by project HQP and... Read more