Kootenay Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2010 - 2019 Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
This dataset contains the openly accessible data for the FIMP survey carried out on Kootenay Lake in 2012. Many of the areas around Kootenay Lake have historically been... Read more -
Slocan Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2011 Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
This dataset cointains the open accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Slocan Lake in 2011. Slocan Lake is one of the few remaining large lakes in... Read more -
Fisheries Reports for Slocan River and Tributaries Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Reports focused on fish habitat and populations in the Slocan River and its tributaries. Reports have been prepared by various consultants. -
SWAMP Wetlands Assessment, Monitoring and Enhancement Reports Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
These reports describe wetland assessments, wetland monitoring, and/or wetland enhancements in the Slocan Valley Watershed and the north end of Kootenay Lake at Meadow Creek . Read more