Detection and tracking of belugas, kayaks and motorized boats in drone video... publication
Themes: Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing
Aerial imagery surveys are commonly used in marine mammal research to determine population size, distribution and habitat use. Analysis of aerial photos involves hours of... Read more -
One Beluga, Two Beluga, Three Beluga, Four: How to Count Belugas When You... publication
Themes: Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing
Arctic Science Gets Graphic! Researchers at CEOS are often asked to write a field story about their work, to make their research more accessible. We decided to do something a... Read more -
Citizen's Lake Winnipeg South Basin Report publication
Themes: Freshwater
This Citizens Report is divided into several parts. Section A gives an introduction to the project and what was learned. Section B of the 2011-2012 SHIM report includes: The... Read more -
Changes in the Emergent Plant Community of Netley-Libau Marsh Between 1979 and 2001 publication
Themes: Freshwater
We used aerial photography combined with field observations to develop a detailed aquatic vegetation map for Netley-Libau Marsh in south-central Manitoba. This report describes... Read more -
Hydrological forcing of a recent trophic surge in Lake Winnipeg publication
Themes: Freshwater
Nutrient enrichment leading to eutrophication of lakes is frequently attributed to increasing anthropogenic loading to the watershed. We use a phosphorus mass balance model to... Read more -
The Southampton Island Marine Ecosystem Project, 2019 Cruise Report, 2-29... publication
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
Climate warming is forcing rapid change to Canada’s marine Arctic icescape (Hochheim and Barber 2010) and its associated ecosystem, while the increasing ice-free season is... Read more -
Weather Keeper logbook publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Physical logbook for the weather keeper (PDF version). Online version of logbook can be found here. -
Manitoba Great Lakes Protocols publication
Themes: Freshwater
Sample collection, processing and analytical methods for the Manitoba Great Lakes Program at the University of Manitoba. -
CanWIN Whitepaper publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The Canadian Watershed Information Network (CanWIN) is a Canadian spatial data infrastructure (SDI) system hosted at the University of Manitoba and managed by the Centre for... Read more -
CanWIN Data Statement publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
This document describes the CANWIN Data Statement (DS) and Terms of Use (TOU) for accessing, uploading and searching CANWIN data, metadata, information and products. It aims to... Read more -
BaySys Theses and Dissertations publication
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
A collection of completed graduate student theses and dissertations stemming from the BaySys project. -
BaySys Quarterly Reports publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
Collection of BaySys Team Quarterly Reports from 2017 to 2020. -
Baysys Field Reports publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
Field reports for the BaySys project over the years 2016 to 2018. BaySys is a multi-year collaboration among industry partner Manitoba Hydro (Hydro Québec and Ouranos) and the... Read more -
BaySys Newsletters publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The BaySys project newsletter was developed to highlight accomplishments and update everyone in and out of the project of the status and progress of BaySys. The newsletter also... Read more -
BaySys Conference Posters & Presentations publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
A collection of BaySys project conference posters and presentations. These posters and presentations we delivered at national and international conferences by project HQP and... Read more -
BaySys All-Hands Meeting Documents (2019) publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
Phase II Presentations, Workshop Notes, and Project Updates from the different teams under BaySys. -
BaySys SSC Meeting Feb18 - 2021 publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
This SSC meeting focused on the observation-modeling integration aspects of the project. Teams provided updates on their integrated manuscripts and discussed how they would fit... Read more -
BaySys Project Reports - Phase 1 and Phase 2 publication
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The BaySys project reports found here represent the primary deliverables of the BaySys project. The Phase 1 report includes all field campaign reports, and descriptions of data... Read more