The Manitoba Great Lakes Program project
Themes: Freshwater
The Manitoba Great Lakes (MBGL) program is led by researchers at the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba, and is a multi-disciplinary... Read more -
Lake Winnipeg Foundation Projects project
Themes: Freshwater
Founded in 2005 as a volunteer coalition of concerned lake-lovers, LWF today is emerging as a leading organization working collaboratively with non-profit, academic, industry... Read more -
Lake Winnipeg Basin Program Symposium 2019 publication
Themes: Freshwater
On March 20 & 21, 2019, the Lake Winnipeg Basin Program (LWBP) Symposium took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The symposium provided the opportunity for Environment and Climate... Read more -
Lake Winnipeg Basin Program project
Themes: Freshwater
The Government of Canada is taking action to improve the ecological health of Lake Winnipeg and its basin. Lake Winnipeg is experiencing large and frequent algal blooms due to... Read more -
AVOS M/V NAMAO jeu de données
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Automatic Voluntary Observing Ship System (AVOS) aboard the NAMAO collects GPS and meteorological data during LWRC cruises and is owned by Environment and Climate Change Canada.... Read more -
Manitoba Métis Federation Weather Keeper Program project
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
The Weather Keeper Program is a collaboration between the Manitoba Métis Federation and the Centre for Earth Observation Science at the University of Manitoba, to support the... Read more -
Le programme de surveillance des conditions météorologiques publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Des programmes pilotes de surveillance des conditions météorologiques et de la qualité de l’eau ont été mis sur pied en collaboration avec la MMF et conçus pour accroître la... Read more -
L’Prâgramme dju Gardjiein d’la Mitiô publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Li prâgramme pilotte di survèyans d’ô, di gardjiein d’la mitio pi d’la kaliti d’l’ô, la iti div’loppi avek la MMF pour bâchirre la kapasiti Métisse dan li aktiviti d’jeschyon... Read more -
The Weather Keeper Program publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Water-weather keeper and water quality monitor pilot programs were developed in coordination with the MMF and were designed to build Métis capacity in water quality management... Read more -
Changes in the Emergent Plant Community of Netley-Libau Marsh Between 1979 and 2001 publication
Themes: Freshwater
We used aerial photography combined with field observations to develop a detailed aquatic vegetation map for Netley-Libau Marsh in south-central Manitoba. This report describes... Read more -
Netley-Libau Marsh Digital Wetland, Water, and Vegetation Cover Project project
Themes: Freshwater
High-resolution images of Netley-Libau Marsh 1979-2013. Changes in marsh zone distribution between years. High-resolution imagery file of animation 2-Netley-Libau Marsh... Read more -
Marine ecosystems project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The marine ecosystem team had two objectives: First, to assess how different drivers collectively affect biological productivity. Second, the team studied the diversity and... Read more -
Carbon cycling project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The carbon cycling team focused on the role of freshwater in moderating the carbon system of Hudson Bay. This ultimately led to increasing our understanding of carbon cycling... Read more -
Carbon Sampling Data jeu de données
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The dataset is a compilation of data measured and calculated by Team 3 and Team 4 from aboard the CCGS Amundsen for the BaySys project. The data were collected over several... Read more -
LWRC 2019 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Seabird data collected from the NAMAO during the 2019 campaign. -
LWRC 2018 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Includes .csv files and corresponding matlab files of file cleaning process. -
LWRC 2017 Seabird Rosette DATA jeu de données
Themes: Freshwater
Namao CTD (Seabird) data is comprised of individual folders marking. -
Hudson Bay System Study (BaySys) project
Themes: Cryosphere, Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing
Freshwater-marine coupling affects all aspects of the physical, biological and biogeochemical systems within Hudson Bay. The past century has seen significant hydroelectric... Read more -
Hydrological forcing of a recent trophic surge in Lake Winnipeg publication
Themes: Freshwater
Nutrient enrichment leading to eutrophication of lakes is frequently attributed to increasing anthropogenic loading to the watershed. We use a phosphorus mass balance model to... Read more
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