Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Automatic Voluntary Observing Ship System (AVOS) aboard the NAMAO collects GPS and meteorological data during LWRC cruises and is owned by Environment and Climate Change Canada.... Read more -
Le programme de surveillance des conditions météorologiques Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Des programmes pilotes de surveillance des conditions météorologiques et de la qualité de l’eau ont été mis sur pied en collaboration avec la MMF et conçus pour accroître la... Read more -
L’Prâgramme dju Gardjiein d’la Mitiô Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Li prâgramme pilotte di survèyans d’ô, di gardjiein d’la mitio pi d’la kaliti d’l’ô, la iti div’loppi avek la MMF pour bâchirre la kapasiti Métisse dan li aktiviti d’jeschyon... Read more -
The Weather Keeper Program Publication
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater
Water-weather keeper and water quality monitor pilot programs were developed in coordination with the MMF and were designed to build Métis capacity in water quality management... Read more