Bottom ice and phytoplankton taxonomy - Hudson Bay 2018 Dataset
Themes: Marine
These datasets includes species composition of: bottom-ice communities phytoplankton communities collected in Hudson Bay during the BaySys cruise in June/ July 2018. Read more -
Algal pigments in ice and water - Hudson Bay 2018 Dataset
Themes: Marine
The dataset includes measurements of pigment concentrations of: bottom-ice communities phytoplankton and melt pond communities Data was collected in Hudson Bay during the BaySys... Read more -
CIS Ice concentrations - Hudson Bay transects 2018 Dataset
Themes: Marine
These datasets include ice concentrations at different stages of development along the following transects: The Narrows Nelson River estuary into central Hudson Bay Western into... Read more -
Sea ice cover progression in Hudson Bay 2008-2018 Dataset
Themes: Marine
The dataset lists the first day of surface air temperatures above zero degC, the sea ice break-up date (ice concentration falling below 15%), the sea ice freeze-up date (ice... Read more -
Autonomous CTD Dataset
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
Hydrographic profiles using conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) sondes were obtained across straits and along channels to best cover water column structure around the... Read more -
Rosette CTD Dataset
Themes: Freshwater, Marine
Hydrographic profiles using conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) sondes were obtained across straits and along channels to best cover water column structure around the... Read more -
Open Water Days in Hudson Bay Dataset
Themes: Marine, Remote Sensing
The dataset lists the length of the open water period (in days, ice concentration below 15%), the day of ice break-up and the day of freeze-up for the sampling stations of the... Read more -
High resolution images of Netley-Libau Marsh Dataset
Themes: Freshwater
Hi resolution images of Netley-Libau Marsh 1979-2013. Changes in marsh zone distribution between years. Hi resolution imagery file of animation 2-Netley-Libau Marsh 1979-2013.... Read more -
Carbon Sampling Data Dataset
Themes: Atmosphere, Freshwater, Marine
The dataset is a compilation of data measured and calculated by Team 3 and Team 4 from aboard the CCGS Amundsen for the BaySys project. The data were collected over several... Read more -
SHIM Wildlife Vegetation Survey 2011 Dataset
Themes: Freshwater
Two different surveying strategies provided insight into the wildlife and vegetation communities within the south basin of Lake Winnipeg. Incidental wildlife observations were... Read more -
Shoreline Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM) Imagery Dataset
Themes: Freshwater
A collection of images depicting land use, level of impact, major shore type, major shore type modifiers, predominant vegetation and segments in the Lake Winnipeg Basin. Read more -
Lake Winnipeg Chemistry 1994-2012 Dataset
Themes: Freshwater
Lake Winnipeg chemistry data from 1994 to 2012. -
ICE-CAMPS 2016 Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
Ice Covered Ecosystems - CAMbridge bay Process Studies (ICE-CAMPS) downwelling and upwelling dataset. -
LWRC 2019 Seabird Rosette DATA Dataset
Themes: Freshwater
Seabird data collected from the NAMAO during the 2019 campaign. -
LWRC 2018 Seabird Rosette DATA Dataset
Themes: Freshwater
Includes .csv files and corresponding matlab files of file cleaning process. -
LWRC 2017 Seabird Rosette DATA Dataset
Themes: Freshwater
Namao CTD (Seabird) data is comprised of individual folders marking. -
IPY-CFL Ice Beacon Data Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
Ice beacons are used to monitor sea ice motion, which is an important element in mass balance calculations, ice thermodynamic modeling, ice management and ecosystem studies.... Read more -
Churchill Beluga Boat Drone Imagery Dataset
Themes: Freshwater, Marine, Remote Sensing
Aerial imagery surveys are commonly used in marine mammal research to determine population size, habitat distribution and habitat use. Analysis of aerial photos involves hours... Read more -
BaySys Ice Beacon Data- Churchill River (2017) and Hudson Bay (2018) Dataset
Themes: Cryosphere, Marine
A series of focused field programs took place within Hudson Bay during 2017 to provide a time series of winter and summer observations from the Bay. The first of these field... Read more