Publishing Data with CanWIN

The data publication process

Publishing data with CanWIN is a collaborative and iterative process. Our goal is to share data that fulfills federal (e.g. the Tri-Agency) and international data, interoperability, and sharing requirements. This means that before data can be published, we recommend that data providers follow data and metadata best practices, so that the data, once shared publicly, can be understandable, accessible, and reusable. We aim to share data with sufficient contextual information, as well as data products that support the visualization, analysis, and interpretation of the data.

Our data curation process can therefore take some time, depending on the scale of the project and the amount of data to be curated. If the project is just beginning, we recommend that researchers meet with us to develop a data strategy for that project. If the data has already been collected, we recommend you submit the data to us well in advance of any publication deadlines, so that there is sufficient time to curate the data appropriately. 

CanWIN has a workflow for data submission that allows for data to be efficiently curated and shared. 

Uploading data directly to the CanWIN database (for accredited users)

Some CanWIN users have permission to upload data directly to our CKAN database. Note that if you have permission to go this route, it is still recommended that you follow the data publication workflow. When you get to the submitting data and metadata stage, use the following links as guides instead:

  • The Creating an Account page outlines the steps to create a new account and log in using your credentials.
  • The Uploading Data page outlines the steps to upload data and metadata directly to the Data Catalogue.
  • If you already have data in the Data Catalogue and would like to modify it, see the Updating an Existing Dataset page.

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