Slocan Lake Level (MCKSLO01L) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring network that tracks how climate change and other... Read more -
Summit Lake Level (MCKSUM01L) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
This dataset contains lake level and water temperature data for Summit Lake. The data is being collected to track climate change and other impacts on Columbia Basin water supply... Read more -
Ben Hur Lake (BEN01) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Lake level and water temperature data collected from Ben Hur Lake.The High Elevation Monitoring Program is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF).... Read more -
Upper Joker Lake (JOK01) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Lake level and temperature data from Upper Joker Lake. A level logger and barometric logger were installed from August 10th - September 27th, 2022. Loggers tracked level and... Read more -
Sapphire Lake (SAP01) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Long-term monitoring on Sapphire Lake was established in 2022 to track changes in water quality and quantity in the face of climate change. The High Elevation Monitoring Program... Read more -
Fishermaiden Lake (FIS01) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Long-term monitoring on Fishermaiden Lake was established in 2023 to track changes in water quality and quantity in the face of climate change. The High Elevation Monitoring... Read more -
Tanal Lake (TAN01) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Long-term monitoring on Tanal Lake was established in 2022 to track changes in water quality and quantity in the face of climate change. The High Elevation Monitoring Program is... Read more -
Slocan Lake Water Level Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Weekly lake level measurements for Slocan Lake -
Shannon Lake (SHA01) Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Long-term monitoring on Shannon Lake was established in 2023 to track changes in water quality and quantity in the face of climate change. -
Duncan Lake Field Water Quality Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Ancillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for the Duncan Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Kootenay Lake Field Water Quality Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Ancillary water quality data (temperature, pH, Secchi depth) for Kootenay Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Lower Arrow Lake Field Water Quality Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Ancillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for Lower Arrow Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Slocan Lake Field Water Quality Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Ancillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for Slocan Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Upper Arrow Lake Field Water Quality Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Ancillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for Upper Arrow Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Whatshan Lake Field Water Quality Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Ancillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for Whatshan Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Summit Lake Field Water Quality Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
Ancillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for Summit Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Kootenay Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2010 - 2019 Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
This dataset contains the openly accessible data for the FIMP survey carried out on Kootenay Lake in 2012. Many of the areas around Kootenay Lake have historically been... Read more -
Slocan Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2011 Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
This dataset cointains the open accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Slocan Lake in 2011. Slocan Lake is one of the few remaining large lakes in... Read more -
Slocan Lake - BC Lake Stewardship and Monitoring Program Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
The BC Lake Stewardship Society (BCLSS), in partnership with the Ministry of Environment (MoE), has designed a program, entitled The BC Lake Stewardship and Monitoring Program... Read more -
SWAMP Wetlands Assessment, Monitoring and Enhancement Reports Columbia Basin Water Hub Dataset
These reports describe wetland assessments, wetland monitoring, and/or wetland enhancements in the Slocan Valley Watershed and the north end of Kootenay Lake at Meadow Creek . Read more