Cadastral Information for Opaskwayak Cree Nation Egg Lake Indian Reserve No.1

Cadastral Information for Opaskwayak Cree Nation Egg Lake Indian Reserve No.1 This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads, easements, administrative areas, active lines, points and annotations. The cadastral lines form the boundaries of the parcels. COGO attributes are associated to the lines and depict the adjusted framework of the cadastral fabric. The cadastral annotations consist of lot numbers, block numbers, township numbers, etc. The cadastral framework is compiled from Canada Lands Survey Records (CLSR), Registration Plans (RS) and Location Sketches (LS) archived in the Canada Lands Survey Records. 2017-01-30 Natural Resources Canada Economics and IndustryForm DescriptorsGovernment and PoliticsNature and Environmentboundariescanada landsindian landsindian reservesland managementparcelsurvey Download DWG file through FTPother Download SHP file through FTPSHP

This data provides the integrated cadastral framework for the specified Canada Land. The cadastral framework consists of active and superseded cadastral parcel, roads, easements, administrative areas, active lines, points and annotations. The cadastral lines form the boundaries of the parcels. COGO attributes are associated to the lines and depict the adjusted framework of the cadastral fabric. The cadastral annotations consist of lot numbers, block numbers, township numbers, etc. The cadastral framework is compiled from Canada Lands Survey Records (CLSR), Registration Plans (RS) and Location Sketches (LS) archived in the Canada Lands Survey Records.

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